Friday, January 04, 2008

Registry of significant films gains 25 classics | AccessAtlanta

Registry of significant films gains 25 classics | AccessAtlanta: "From 'The Naked City' to 'In a Lonely Place' and 'Oklahoma!' the Library of Congress is adding 25 more classic American films to its national registry.

There are '12 Angry Men' to be heard, 'The Strong Man' to be viewed and 'The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance' to be dealt with."


At 12:03 PM , Blogger Cary McNeal said...

I read and hoped that the AJC article would mention Paul Thomas Anderson, and they did, thankfully. His long shots in Boogie Nights and Magnolia (more than one in each, as I recall) are beautifully done, fluid and appropriate to the scenes without calling attention to themselves.

If you've ever seen a Steadicam in use, you can understand how an operator would become tired after even one take. It's like carrying a healthy 12-year-old on your back.


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