Edward Beck's new book reviewed in PW
Four Reviews Coming in Publishers Weekly on Monday, August 27 - 8/8/2007 - Publishers Weekly: "Soul Provider: Spiritual Steps to Limitless Love
Edward L. Beck. Doubleday, $22.95 (304p) ISBN 978-0-385-51552-8
Sometimes in the quest for a deeper spirituality, we need to be reminded of the basics—the fundamental stepping stones that aid toward spiritual progress throughout life. Beck, a Catholic priest, member of the Passionist religious order, and author of God Underneath, has an extraordinary gift for diving into the Christian spiritual tradition and emerging with profound perspectives and wisdom that speak directly to the heart. For this project, Beck looks to early seventh-century mystic St. John Climacus and his classic work The Ladder of Divine Ascent, and shows, step by step, how these ancient spiritual prescriptions for the good life are just as vital today. A gifted writer and storyteller, Beck delivers straightforward, honest and at times poignant prose, tying his own life experiences in when appropriate. All of the chapters integrate helpful quotations and end with reflection questions to aid readers with their own prayers. Writing about his inspiration for this book, the author states, 'I was encouraged to face my vices and demons, assured that they didn't have the power to overcome me, and then to move on.' Beck conveys similar encouragement through this work, and many people will benefit."
Father Edward's endorsement is on the back cover of my new book!
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