Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Comics this week

It's a rainy, dreary day in Atlanta but the weather didn't keep me from visiting the Oxford Comics store at lunchtime. There was a crew there filming a scene from a movie or TV show or something (low budget though!), so the place was pretty crazy.

I picked up:

- The Escapists #3--really enjoying this series, which spun out of the Escapist anthology series published by Dark Horse and featuring the hero Michael Chabon invented for his faux history of the comic book industry captured so elegantly in the Pulitzer-winning novel, The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay.

- Comic Art Magazine #8--the first of its new format, a huge 176-page squarebound volume in full color, with an additional small volume by Seth on "40 Cartoon Books of Interest" shrink-wrapped in. This publication, which used to come out every 4 or 6 months, I'm not sure, will now be an annual. I rarely purchased earlier issues because the articles were on such obscure topics, but this one looks wonderful. And all for less than $20. Here's the list of contents.


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