USA Today turns 25 - MarketWatch
USA Today turns 25 - MarketWatch: "It was the summer of 1983. I had just landed my first newspaper job, at a daily with the unlikely name of USA Today. While the publication was not yet a year old, it had already achieved notoriety -- as a journalistic joke. You see, I lived in Manhattan, where the New York Times is the dominant voice. Times loyalists, as well as newspaper purists and big-city pundits, got a kick out of ridiculing my new employer. They dubbed it 'McNewspaper,' the McDonald's of dailies because of its bite-size stories. They said that it could win a Pulitzer Prize for best paragraph. Figured. The city slickers didn't understand the strategy -- or the appeal -- of USA Today. Well, they get it now. USA Today now has an average daily circulation of 2.3 million."
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