Tuesday, June 05, 2007

TAWOK&C: More on Chabon's upcoming books

The Amazing Website of Kavalier & Clay - News: "Michael Chabon says his first non-fiction book will feature a variety of his non-fiction writings on the subject of being a man in terms of being a son, a father and a husband.

'Not just the Details columns, also other of my non-fiction writing on the subject, shaped, and hopefully given some kind of coherent structure,' he said via e-mail. 'Edited, in other words; first by me, then by my editor Jennifer Barth.'

The book is tentatively scheduled for spring 2009.

Chabon also said he has put a young adults novel on-hold.

'Just wasn't working for me; I'll get back to it eventually,' he said.

As for the Bay Area-based novel announced this week, Chabon said it 'is to be for adults, but I don't want to say anything more about it right now,' including the title."


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