Bradley B. Onishi: I Once Was Found and Now I Am Lost: Reflections on the Religious and Spiritual Dimensions of Lost
Bradley B. Onishi: I Once Was Found and Now I Am Lost: Reflections on the Religious and Spiritual Dimensions of Lost: "It is not a matter of gods or of God. Lost's narrative was never about deities. Yet, the manifestations of the metaphysical and paranormal were obvious from the pilot to the finale. From start to finish, Lost gave us demons, spirits, voices, hauntings, and mystical experiences related to destiny. Over the course of its six seasons, Lost constructed its own version of the sacred through various forms of rituals, resurrections, consecrated sites, and elaborate temples. If there are idols and representations of the divine, there is no worship. If there is an origin story, there is no creation story. And if the themes of faith, redemption, penance, and forgiveness were clear throughout the show's duration, the finale certainly did not provide a definitive form of salvation (just ask Ben or Mr. Eko or Ana Lucia or...)."
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