Friday, June 27, 2008

NYT Book Review on the new James Bond book

The Spy Who Wouldn’t Love Me - Books - Review - Review - "Taking over another author’s creation four decades after his death is tricky under any circumstances. And Bond is not just any character. He is suave and witty, a master seducer, drinker and gambler who always wins — and has a license to kill. When he first appeared in “Casino Royale” in 1953, Bond was a one-man tonic for an England reeling from its post-World War II loss of power and influence. Since then, his fame has spread worldwide, and in 1997 he won the ultimate pop culture trophy, a full-on screen parody, the sophomoric and sometimes hilarious “Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery,” which imagined a British secret agent thrust from the louche 1960s into the politically correct 1990s.

So Faulks faces the difficult task of staying true to Bond’s history while giving readers a fresh adventure."


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