Wednesday, June 11, 2008

'Hulk' offers fresh start for Marvel hero |

FIRST LOOK 'THE INCREDIBLE HULK': Film offers fresh start for Marvel hero | "To describe 'The Incredible Hulk,' entertainment-happy is using a fairly new word: requel.

Yes, not prequel, or sequel, but requel, meaning a movie that does not continue from a previous work or start a story line over again.

In comic book-turned-movie lexicon it means 'The Incredible Hulk,' which debuts in theaters this week with Oscar-nominee Ed Norton as the genetically enlarged mean, green, fighting machine, is really nothing like Ang Lee's generally reviled 'Hulk' of a few years ago.

The new 'Hulk,' screened here Monday night for an audience of metro Atlanta film critics and often cheering and applauding fans, wastes little time before leaping into an action sequence that starts with characters on the run and builds to a deafening crescendo of bullets, huge chunks of tossed metal and the human changeling's ferocious roar."


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