Thursday, December 06, 2007

The Dr. Seuss Jumble: Naming Web Sites - New York Times

The Dr. Seuss Jumble: Naming Web Sites - David Pogue in the New York Times: "These days, startups take the lazy way out: they choose goofy-sounding nonsense words. They think they're being clever by being unclever. These are all actual Web sites that have hit the Web in the last year or so: Doostang. Wufoo. Bliin. Thoof. Bebo. Meebo. Meemo. Kudit. Raketu. Etelos. Iyogi. Oyogi. Qoop. Fark. Kijiji. Zixxo. Zoogmo. These startups think that these names will stick in our minds because they're so offbeat, but they're wrong. Actually, all those twentysomething entrepreneurs are ensuring that we won't remember them. Those names all blend together into a Dr. Seuss 2.0 jumble."


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