Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Ebooks: Comparing Amazon Kindle to E-Book Readers of Yesterday and Tomorrow

Ebooks: Comparing Amazon Kindle to E-Book Readers of Yesterday and Tomorrow: "So Amazon unveiled its Kindle yesterday. The fancy eBook with 'free' EV-DO got a lot of attention and has a lot of people talking about whether or not digital books have a chance of taking on the paper kind. But the Kindle is far from the only eBook out there, naturally, and it's turned a lot of people off with how it charges you to read blogs, get RSS feeds, and load PDFs on it. In addition, there are some huge advances on the eBook horizon that, when released, will make the Kindle look like it was made in the late '80s. Lets take a peek at some alternatives to the Kindle that are both available today and will be in the not-too-distant future."


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