Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Bush Says No Iraq Shift; Criticism Rises - The Huffington Post

Bush Says No Iraq Shift; Criticism Rises - The Huffington Post: "President Bush threatened to veto legislation setting a date for a troop withdrawal from Iraq on Tuesday despite growing bipartisan calls in Congress for an end to U.S. participation in the war and sharp criticism of the Iraqi government.

As the Senate opened a new debate on the conflict, one of the president's staunchest supporters bluntly said the administration had pursued the wrong policy for years after toppling Saddam Hussein. 'The strategy we had before was not the right strategy,' said Christopher Bond, R-Mo. 'We should have had a counterinsurgency strategy.'

Asked later who bore responsibility for the error, Bond said, 'Ultimately, obviously, the president.'

Democrats said Bush's newest strategy was hardly a success, either."


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