Wisdom from the Batcave Cary Friendman's Wisdom from the Batcave (out this week): "Rabbi Cary A. Friedman is a writer, works with the F.B.I. as a profiler, and is a comic book fan who has taken his love of the Batman and turned that into a book for the masses, Wisdom From The Batcave. He tells us what it was like examining one of his favorite characters in this fashion.
THE PULSE: As a man of God, is it tough for you to 'believe' in the ideals of superheroes?
CARY A. FRIEDMAN: Not at all. The two are not antagonistic in any way. In fact, they are totally compatible. My religious beliefs teach that it is our job, in partnership with the Almighty, to perfect – physically, socially, and spiritually – the world in which we live. We are not helpless, passive spectators to the great cosmic drama of life. We are – or are supposed to be – active participants, partners with G-d in the process of bringing holiness into the world. That worldview fits perfectly with the ideals of superheroes.
One more point: I appreciate your calling me a “man of God,” but I am no more a man of God than any other human being who decides to commit himself or herself to the hard work of perfecting the world. Every person, through the exercise of their free will, is called upon to be a man or woman of God."
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