Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Lost Takes a Break

Lost - TV - Report - New York Times: "After little more than a month of thrills and twists that have some fans feeling that the show is at its best ever, “Lost” is disappearing into the wilderness.

After tonight’s episode, only the sixth of the still-young fall television season, ABC will take “Lost” off the air for 13 weeks. The show will return on Feb. 7 for a run of 16 or 17 new episodes that will carry viewers into late May.

But the midyear split season is a scheduling gambit that could have enormous consequences not only for ABC, but also for the entire genre of serialized television drama, testing whether audiences are loyal enough to expensive, complex shows to weather long midseason interruptions."

For me, I haven't liked the mean-spiritedness of the Others this season, and though I understand now that the death of Mr. Eko was understood by the actor and producers for some time, I was upset that he was taken off, as he's one of the most interesting characters.


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